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addAlbum(Scanner) - Static method in class jMusicHub
addAlbum is used to add albums thanks to the "a" option.
addAudioBook(Scanner) - Static method in class jMusicHub
addAudioBook is used to add songs thanks to the "l" option.
addPlaylist(Scanner, ArrayList<Song>, ArrayList<AudioBook>) - Static method in class jMusicHub
addPlaylist is used to add playlist thanks to the "p" option.
addSong(Song) - Method in class Album
Mehtod to add songs, of the Song class, to the album's arrayList.
addSong(Scanner) - Static method in class jMusicHub
addSong is used to add songs thanks to the "c" option.
addSongToAlbum(Scanner, ArrayList<Album>, ArrayList<Song>) - Static method in class jMusicHub
addSongToAlbum is called by the "+" command in order to add a song to an album.
Album - Class in <Unnamed>
The album class is used to create albums containing songs added after its creation and the creation of the songs.
Album(String, int, String, Date, ArrayList<Song>) - Constructor for class Album
Constructor method.
AudioBook - Class in <Unnamed>
The AudioBook class is used to create audiobooks while extending MusicalElement.
AudioBook(String, int, String, String, Language, Category) - Constructor for class AudioBook
Constructor method.


Category - Enum in <Unnamed>
The Category enum is used by audiobooks as an attribute.
contentOfAlbum(ArrayList<Album>) - Static method in class jMusicHub
contentOfAlbum is called by the "AC" command in order to display the content of a chosen album.
contentOfPlaylist(ArrayList<Playlist>) - Static method in class jMusicHub
contentOfPlaylist is called by the "PC" command in order to display the content of a chosen playlist.


delPlaylist(ArrayList<Playlist>) - Static method in class jMusicHub
delPlaylist is called by the "-" command in order to delete a playlist.


extract(String) - Static method in class jMusicHub
Extract is used to print the content of the files and put them in the ArrayList used to add elements.


Genre - Enum in <Unnamed>
The Genre enum is used by songs as an attribute.
getArtist() - Method in class Album
This method is used to give the artist of the album.
getArtist() - Method in class Song
This method is used to give the artist of the song.
getAudioBooks() - Method in class Playlist
This method is used to print the each audiobooks contained in the audiobooks attribute of the playlist.
getAuthor() - Method in class AudioBook
This method is used to give the author of the audiobook.
getCategory() - Method in class AudioBook
This method is used to give the category of the audiobook.
getContent() - Method in class MusicalElement
This method is used to give the content path of the element.
getDate() - Method in class Album
This method is used to give the date of release of the album.
getDuration() - Method in class Album
This method is used to give the duration of the album.
getDuration() - Method in class MusicalElement
This method is used to give the duration of the element.
getGenre() - Method in class Album
This method is used for the AG command in jMusicHub.
getGenre() - Method in class Song
This method is used to give the genre of the song.
getId() - Method in class Album
This method is used to give the id of the album.
getId() - Method in class MusicalElement
This method is used to give the id of the element.
getId() - Method in class Playlist
This method is used to give the id of the playlist.
getLanguage() - Method in class AudioBook
This method is used to give the language of the audiobook.
getName() - Method in class Playlist
This method is used to give the name of the playlist in uppercase.
getSongs() - Method in class Album
This method is used to print the each songs contained in the songs attribute of the album.
getSongs() - Method in class Playlist
This method is used to print the each songs contained in the songs attribute of the playlist.
getTitle() - Method in class Album
This method is used to give the title of the album.
getTitle() - Method in class MusicalElement
This method is used to give the title of the element.


jMusicHub - Class in <Unnamed>
The jMusicHub class is our main component.
jMusicHub() - Constructor for class jMusicHub
Constructor method, it is calling every methods and contains the command prompt.


Language - Enum in <Unnamed>
The Language enum is used by audiobooks as an attribute.
listAlbumsByDate() - Static method in class jMusicHub
listAlbumsByDate is called by the "AD" command in order to list the albums sorted by the date of release.
listAlbumsByGenre() - Static method in class jMusicHub
listAlbumsByGenre is called by the "AG" command in order to list the albums sorted by the genre of their songs.
listAudioBooksByAuthor() - Static method in class jMusicHub
listAudioBooksByAuthor is called by the "BA" command in order to list the audiobooks sorted by authors.
listById(String) - Static method in class jMusicHub
list is called when using the "AB", "S", "A" and "P" commands in order to list the elements in respective files.
listPlaylistsByName() - Static method in class jMusicHub
listPlaylistsByName is called when using the "PN" command in order to list the playlists sorted by their name.


main(String[]) - Static method in class jMusicHub
The main method is used to launch the app.
MusicalElement - Class in <Unnamed>
The MusicalElement contains the base of songs and audiobooks.
MusicalElement(String, int, String) - Constructor for class MusicalElement
Constructor method.


Playlist - Class in <Unnamed>
The Playlist class is used to create playlists containing songs and audiobooks.
Playlist(String, ArrayList<Song>, ArrayList<AudioBook>) - Constructor for class Playlist
Constructor method.


save(String, ArrayList) - Static method in class jMusicHub
save is used by the command "s".
setArtist(String) - Method in class Album
Basic method to set the artist of the album.
setArtist(String) - Method in class AudioBook
Basic method to set the author of the audiobook.
setArtist(String) - Method in class Song
Basic method to set the artist of the song.
setCategory(Category) - Method in class AudioBook
Basic method to set the category of the audiobook using the name method from the Category class.
setContent(String) - Method in class MusicalElement
Basic method to set the content path of the element.
setDate(Date) - Method in class Album
Basic method to set the date of the album.
setDuration(int) - Method in class MusicalElement
Basic method to set the duration of the element.
setGenre(Language) - Method in class AudioBook
Basic method to set the language of the audiobook using the name method from the Language class.
setGenre(Genre) - Method in class Song
Basic method to set the genre of the song using the name method from the Genre class.
setId(int) - Method in class Album
Basic method to set the id of the album.
setId(int) - Method in class MusicalElement
Basic method to set the id of the element.
setId(int) - Method in class Playlist
Basic method to set the id of the playlist.
setName(String) - Method in class Playlist
Basic method to set the name of the playlist.
setTitle(String) - Method in class Album
Basic method to set the title of the album.
setTitle(String) - Method in class MusicalElement
Basic method to set the title of the element.
Song - Class in <Unnamed>
The Song class is used to create songs while extending MusicalElement.
Song(String, int, String, String, Genre) - Constructor for class Song
Constructor method.


toString() - Method in class Album
Basic method to "configure" what does a print of this object actually does.
toString() - Method in class AudioBook
Basic method to "configure" what does a print of this object actually does.
toString() - Method in class Playlist
Basic method to "configure" what does a print of this object actually does.
toString() - Method in class Song
Basic method to "configure" what does a print of this object actually does.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Genre
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Language
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Genre
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Language
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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