path: root/ansible/kubespray
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
5 daysReplace proxmox provider telmate by bpg + remove k8s cluster (talos on the way)HEADmasterclyhtsuriva
Also changes the id of the packer images, now starting at the "end" (999), while VMs start at 100
7 daysansible: apt_update becomes update_system to handle apt & dnf updatesclyhtsuriva
Using this opportunity to become role based
2025-02-03opentofu&ansible: add `become` to `ansible_provisioner` & open k8s portsclyhtsuriva
2025-02-03ansible: using my fork of kubespray to increase max ansible-core versionclyhtsuriva
2025-02-03ansible: update submodule kubesprayclyhtsuriva
2025-02-03opentofu: add kubespray submodule to deploy via ansibleclyhtsuriva
Not working yet, getting : "msg": "Ansible must be between 2.16.4 and 2.17.0 exclusive - you have 2.17.5"