path: root/target/classes/musichub/main
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-28Latest package, javadoc and jacocodevelopClyhtsuriva
2021-06-27Add new feature - display playlistmanthole
2021-06-27mvn packageClyhtsuriva
2021-06-27Catch exception related to search functionalitysaid belhadj
2021-06-27Added an extension check for songs and covered it with a test.Clyhtsuriva
2021-06-26LogHandler now working fine.Clyhtsuriva
2021-06-26Updated javadoc, added jacoco and the necessary JUnit for this feature.Clyhtsuriva
2021-06-26Applying the latest package architecture.Clyhtsuriva
2021-06-26Removed reduced pom and added the content of STZ-0001 with a switch modif.Clyhtsuriva
2021-06-26Changed the architecture to respect maven and generated an empty javadocClyhtsuriva