/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32l0xx_hal_tim_ex.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief TIM HAL module driver. * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following * functionalities of the Timer Extended peripheral: * + Time Master and Slave synchronization configuration * + Timer remapping capabilities configuration @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### TIMER Extended features ##### ============================================================================== [..] The Timer Extended features include: (#) Synchronization circuit to control the timer with external signals and to interconnect several timers together. @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.

* * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32l0xx_hal.h" /** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ /** @defgroup TIMEx TIMEx * @brief TIM Extended HAL module driver * @{ */ #ifdef HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup TIMEx_Exported_Functions TIM Extended Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup TIMEx_Exported_Functions_Group5 Extended Peripheral Control functions * @brief Peripheral Control functions * @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### Peripheral Control functions ##### ============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Configure Master synchronization. (+) Configure timer remapping capabilities. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configures the TIM in master mode. * @param htim TIM handle. * @param sMasterConfig pointer to a TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef structure that * contains the selected trigger output (TRGO) and the Master/Slave * mode. * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef *sMasterConfig) { uint32_t tmpcr2; uint32_t tmpsmcr; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_TIM_MASTER_INSTANCE(htim->Instance)); assert_param(IS_TIM_TRGO_SOURCE(sMasterConfig->MasterOutputTrigger)); assert_param(IS_TIM_MSM_STATE(sMasterConfig->MasterSlaveMode)); /* Check input state */ __HAL_LOCK(htim); /* Change the handler state */ htim->State = HAL_TIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Get the TIMx CR2 register value */ tmpcr2 = htim->Instance->CR2; /* Get the TIMx SMCR register value */ tmpsmcr = htim->Instance->SMCR; /* Reset the MMS Bits */ tmpcr2 &= ~TIM_CR2_MMS; /* Select the TRGO source */ tmpcr2 |= sMasterConfig->MasterOutputTrigger; /* Update TIMx CR2 */ htim->Instance->CR2 = tmpcr2; if (IS_TIM_SLAVE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance)) { /* Reset the MSM Bit */ tmpsmcr &= ~TIM_SMCR_MSM; /* Set master mode */ tmpsmcr |= sMasterConfig->MasterSlaveMode; /* Update TIMx SMCR */ htim->Instance->SMCR = tmpsmcr; } /* Change the htim state */ htim->State = HAL_TIM_STATE_READY; __HAL_UNLOCK(htim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configures the TIMx Remapping input capabilities. @if STM32L073xx * @note It is not possible to connect TIM2 and TIM21 on PB5(AF4) at the same time. * When selecting TIM3_TI2_GPIOB5_AF4, Channel2 of TIM3 will be * connected to PB5(AF4) and Channel2 of TIM21 will be connected to * some other GPIOs. (refer to alternate functions for more details) * When selecting TIM3_TI2_GPIO_DEF, Channel2 of Timer 3 will be * connected an GPIO (other than PB5(AF4)) and Channel2 of TIM21 * will be connected to PB5(AF4). * @note When TIM2 ETR is fed with HSI48, this ETR must be prescaled internally * to the TIMER2 because the maximum system frequency is 32 MHz @endif * @param htim TIM handle. * @param Remap specifies the TIM remapping source. @if STM32L073xx * For TIM2, the parameter is a combination of 2 fields (field1 | field2): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_ETR_GPIO: TIM2 ETR connected to GPIO (default): * PA0(AF5) or PA5(AF2) or PA15(AF2) or PE9(AF2) * @arg TIM2_ETR_HSI48: TIM2 ETR connected to HSI48 * @arg TIM2_ETR_HSI16: TIM2 ETR connected to HSI16 * @arg TIM2_ETR_LSE: TIM2 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP2_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP1_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP1 output * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_TI4_GPIO : TIM2 TI4 connected to GPIO1(default): * PA3(AF2) or PB11(AF2) or PE12(AF0) * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP1: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP1 * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP2: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP2 @endif @if STM32L031xx * For TIM2, the parameter is a combination of 2 fields (field1 | field2): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_ETR_GPIO: TIM2 ETR connected to GPIO (default): * PA0(AF5) or PA5(AF2) or PA15(AF2) * @arg TIM2_ETR_HSI16: TIM2 ETR connected to HS16 (HSIOUT) * @arg TIM2_ETR_LSE: TIM2 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP2_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP1_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP1 output * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_TI4_GPIO : TIM2 TI4 connected to GPIO (default): * PA3(AF2) or PB11(AF2) or PB1(AF5) * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP1_OUT: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP2_OUT: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP2 output @endif @if STM32L011xx * For TIM2, the parameter is a combination of 2 fields (field1 | field2): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_ETR_GPIO: TIM2 ETR connected to GPIO (default): * PA0(AF5) or PA5(AF2) or PA15(AF2) * @arg TIM2_ETR_HSI16: TIM2 ETR connected to HS16 (HSIOUT) * @arg TIM2_ETR_LSE: TIM2 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP2_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP1_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP1 output * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_TI4_GPIO : TIM2 TI4 connected to GPIO (default): * PA3(AF2) or PB11(AF2) or PB1(AF5) * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP1_OUT: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP2_OUT: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP2 output @endif @if STM32L051xx * For TIM2, the parameter is a combination of 2 fields (field1 | field2): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_ETR_GPIO: TIM2 ETR connected to GPIO (default): * PA0(AF5) or PA5(AF2) or PA15(AF2) or PE9(AF2) * @arg TIM2_ETR_HSI48: TIM2 ETR connected to HSI48 * @arg TIM2_ETR_LSE: TIM2 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP2_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM2_ETR_COMP1_OUT: TIM2 ETR connected to COMP1 output * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM2_TI4_GPIO: TIM2 TI4 connected to GPIO1(default): * PA3(AF2) or PB11(AF2) or PE12(AF0) * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP1: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP1 * @arg TIM2_TI4_COMP2: TIM2 TI4 connected to COMP2 * @arg TIM2_TI4_GPIO2: TIM2 TI4 connected to GPIO2 : * PA3(AF2) or PB11(AF2) or PE12(AF0) @endif @if STM32L073xx * * For TIM3, the parameter is a combination of 4 fields (field1 | field2 | field3 | field4): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM3_ETR_GPIO: TIM3 ETR connected to GPIO (default): * PE2(AF2) or PD2(AF2) or PE2(AF2) * @arg TIM3_ETR_HSI: TIM3 ETR connected to HSI * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM3_TI1_USB_SOF: TIM3 TI1 connected to USB_SOF (default) * @arg TIM3_TI1_GPIO: TIM3 TI1 connected to GPIO : * PE3(AF2) or PA6(AF2) or PC6(AF2) or PB4(AF2) * * field3 can have the following values: * @arg TIM3_TI2_GPIOB5_AF4:TIM3 TI3 connected to P5(AF4) * (refer to note) * @arg TIM3_TI2_GPIO_DEF: TIM3 TI3 connected to GPIO (default): * PA7(AF2) or PB5(AF4) or PC7(AF2) or PE7(AF2) * * field4 can have the following values: * @arg TIM3_TI4_GPIO_DEF: TIM3 TI4 connected to GPIO: * PB1(AF2) or PE6(AF2) * @arg TIM3_TI4_GPIOC9_AF2:TIM3 TI4 connected to PC9(AF)2 @endif @if STM32L073xx * For TIM21, the parameter is a combination of 3 fields (field1 | field2 | field3): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_ETR_GPIO: TIM21 ETR connected to GPIO(default) : * PC9(AF0) or PA1(AF5) * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_LSE: TIM21 ETR connected to LSE * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI1_MCO: TIM21 TI1 connected to MCO * @arg TIM21_TI1_RTC_WKUT_IT: TIM21 TI1 connected to RTC WAKEUP interrupt * @arg TIM21_TI1_HSE_RTC: TIM21 TI1 connected to HSE_RTC * @arg TIM21_TI1_MSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to MSI clock * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSE: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSE * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSI * @arg TIM21_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 TI1 connected to COMP1_OUT * @arg TIM21_TI1_GPIO: TIM21 TI1 connected to GPIO(default): * PA2(AF0) or PB13(AF6) or PE5(AF0) or PD0(AF0) * * field3 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI2_GPIO: TIM21 TI2 connected to GPIO(default): * PA3(AF0) or PB14(AF6) or PE6(AF0) or PD7(AF1) * @arg TIM21_TI2_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 TI2 connected to COMP2 output @endif @if STM32L031xx * For TIM21, the parameter is a combination of 3 fields (field1 | field2 | field3): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_ETR_GPIO: TIM21 ETR connected to GPIO(default) : * PA1(AF5) * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_LSE: TIM21 ETR connected to LSE * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI1_MCO: TIM21 TI1 connected to MCO * @arg TIM21_TI1_RTC_WKUT_IT: TIM21 TI1 connected to RTC WAKEUP interrupt * @arg TIM21_TI1_HSE_RTC: TIM21 TI1 connected to HSE_RTC * @arg TIM21_TI1_MSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to MSI clock * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSE: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSE * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSI * @arg TIM21_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 TI1 connected to COMP1_OUT * * field3 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI2_GPIO: TIM21 TI2 connected to GPIO(default): * PA3(AF0) or PB14(AF6) * @arg TIM21_TI2_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 TI2 connected to COMP2 output @endif @if STM32L011xx * For TIM21, the parameter is a combination of 3 fields (field1 | field2 | field3): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_ETR_GPIO: TIM21 ETR connected to GPIO(default) : * PA1(AF5) * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_LSE: TIM21 ETR connected to LSE * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI1_MCO: TIM21 TI1 connected to MCO * @arg TIM21_TI1_RTC_WKUT_IT: TIM21 TI1 connected to RTC WAKEUP interrupt * @arg TIM21_TI1_HSE_RTC: TIM21 TI1 connected to HSE_RTC * @arg TIM21_TI1_MSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to MSI clock * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSE: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSE * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSI * @arg TIM21_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 TI1 connected to COMP1_OUT * * field3 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI2_GPIO: TIM21 TI2 connected to GPIO(default): * PA3(AF0) or PB14(AF6) * @arg TIM21_TI2_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 TI2 connected to COMP2 output @endif @if STM32L051xx * For TIM21, the parameter is a combination of 3 fields (field1 | field2 | field3): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_ETR_GPIO: TIM21 ETR connected to GPIO(default) : * PC9(AF0) or PA1(AF5) * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM21_ETR_LSE: TIM21 ETR connected to LSE * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI1_MCO: TIM21 TI1 connected to MCO * @arg TIM21_TI1_RTC_WKUT_IT: TIM21 TI1 connected to RTC WAKEUP interrupt * @arg TIM21_TI1_HSE_RTC: TIM21 TI1 connected to HSE_RTC * @arg TIM21_TI1_MSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to MSI clock * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSE: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSE * @arg TIM21_TI1_LSI: TIM21 TI1 connected to LSI * @arg TIM21_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM21 TI1 connected to COMP1_OUT * @arg TIM21_TI1_GPIO: TIM21 TI1 connected to GPIO(default): * PA2(AF0) or PB13(AF6) or PE5(AF0) or PD0(AF0) * * field3 can have the following values: * @arg TIM21_TI2_GPIO: TIM21 TI2 connected to GPIO(default): * PA3(AF0) or PB14(AF6) or PE6(AF0) or PD7(AF1) * @arg TIM21_TI2_COMP2_OUT:TIM21 TI2 connected to COMP2 output @endif @if STM32L073xx * * For TIM22, the parameter can have the following values: * @arg TIM22_ETR_LSE: TIM22 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM22_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM22 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM22_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM22 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM22_ETR_GPIO: TIM22 ETR connected to GPIO(default): * PC8(AF0) or PA4(AF5) * @arg TIM22_TI1_GPIO: TIM22 TI1 connected to GPIO(default): * PC6(AF0) or PA6(AF5) or PB4(AF4) or PE0(AF3) * @arg TIM22_TI1_COMP2_OUT:TIM22 TI1 connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM22_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM22 TI1 connected to COMP1 output @endif @if STM32L031xx * * For TIM22, the parameter is a combination of 2 fields (field1 | field2): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM22_ETR_LSE: TIM22 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM22_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM22 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM22_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM22 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM22_ETR_GPIO: TIM22 ETR connected to GPIO(default): * PA4(AF5) * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM22_TI1_GPIO: TIM22 TI1 connected to GPIO(default): * PC0(AF6) or PA5(AF6) or PB4(AF4) * @arg TIM22_TI1_COMP2_OUT:TIM22 TI1 connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM22_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM22 TI1 connected to COMP1 output * @endif @if STM32L051xx * * For TIM22, the parameter is a combination of 2 fields (field1 | field2): * * field1 can have the following values: * @arg TIM22_ETR_LSE: TIM22 ETR connected to LSE * @arg TIM22_ETR_COMP2_OUT:TIM22 ETR connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM22_ETR_COMP1_OUT:TIM22 ETR connected to COMP1 output * @arg TIM22_ETR_GPIO: TIM22 ETR connected to GPIO(default): * PC8(AF0) or PA4(AF5) * * field2 can have the following values: * @arg TIM22_TI1_GPIO: TIM22 TI1 connected to GPIO(default): * PC6(AF0) or PA6(AF5) or PB4(AF4) or PE0(AF3) * @arg TIM22_TI1_COMP2_OUT:TIM22 TI1 connected to COMP2 output * @arg TIM22_TI1_COMP1_OUT:TIM22 TI1 connected to COMP1 output @endif * * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_RemapConfig(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Remap) { __HAL_LOCK(htim); /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_TIM_REMAP(htim->Instance, Remap)); /* Set the Timer remapping configuration */ WRITE_REG(htim->Instance->OR, Remap); __HAL_UNLOCK(htim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/