#!/usr/bin/env bash #Clyhtsuriva helpy(){ printf "command: %s \n" "$0" printf "package: package name\n" printf "version: version update\n" printf "tested: yes/briefly/no\n" } [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ] && helpy && exit 1 PKG="$1" VER="$2" TESTED="$3" printf "Updating %s to %s.\n" "$PKG" "$VER" pushd ~/workbench/void-packages || exit 1 git add "srcpkgs/$PKG" && \ git commit -m "$PKG: update to $VER" && \ git push origin "$PKG-update" ARCHS=$(/bin/cat "$HOME/workbench/auto-void-packages/architectures.txt") gh pr create \ --title "$PKG: update to $VER" \ --body "#### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **$TESTED** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, x86_64 - I crossbuilded this PR locally for these architectures: $ARCHS" \ --base master \ --head "clyhtsuriva:$PKG-update" popd || exit 1