#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Clyhsuriva # # __ _______ _____ # \ \ / /_ _| | __ \ # \ \ /\ / / | | | |__) | # \ \/ \/ / | | | ___/ # \ /\ / _| |_ _| |_ # \/ \(_) |_____(_)_(_) # ### # All variables must be declared. set -o nounset # Truncating existing non-empty files must be explicit, # so instead of `echo "text" > file` you must use `echo "text" >| file`. set -o noclobber # Avoids translation of commands messages, numeric and date format, string expansion and sorting. export LC_ALL=C # This provides a more readable output to follow when tracing with `set -x`. export PS4=' (${BASH_SOURCE##*/}::${FUNCNAME[0]:-main}::$LINENO) ' ### ### VARIABLES ### typeset NORMAL="" typeset GREEN="" typeset BOLD="" typeset MAGENTA="" typeset -i spinner_pid typeset void_updates_url="" typeset void_updates_content="" typeset orphan_packages="" typeset orphan_packages_sorted="" typeset package="" typeset -A pkgs_to_update=() typeset -i nb_of_pkgs_to_build=0 typeset pkgs_to_update_fp="/tmp/pkgs_to_update.txt" typeset pkgs_to_exclude="" typeset auto_build_archs_path="" typeset -i pkg_counter=0 ### ### COLOURS ### NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) printf_red(){ RED=$(tput setaf 1) printf "%s%s%s\n" "$RED" "$1" "$NORMAL" } printf_green(){ GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) BOLD=$(tput bold) printf "%s%s%s%s\n" "$GREEN" "$BOLD" "$1" "$NORMAL" } printf_magenta(){ MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5) printf "%s[%s]%s" "$MAGENTA" "$1" "$NORMAL" } ### FUNCTIONS function helpy { printf "command: %s [number_of_packages] [pkgs_to_exclude]\n" "$0" printf "number_of_packages: Must be an integer, indicates of many packages you want to auto build, defaults to none.\n" printf "pkgs_to_exclude: Must be one or a list of packages name separated by commas, e.g., ansible,xonsh,ampache" } function start_spinner { set +m echo -n "$1 " { while : ; do for X in ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ; do echo -en "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b$X" ; sleep 0.1 ; done ; done & } 2>/dev/null spinner_pid=$! } function stop_spinner { { kill -9 "$spinner_pid" && wait; } 2>/dev/null set -m echo -en "\033[2K\r" } ### MAIN ### void_updates_url="https://repo-fi.voidlinux.org/void-updates/void-updates.txt" void_updates_content=$(curl --silent "$void_updates_url") orphan_packages=$(echo "$void_updates_content" | sed -n '/orphan@voidlinux.org/,/@/p' | grep -v '^--' | grep -v '@') orphan_packages_sorted=$(echo "$orphan_packages" | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -u) nb_of_pkgs_to_build="${1:-0}" pkgs_to_exclude=${2:-} start_spinner "Calculating how many orphan packages there are..." for package in $orphan_packages_sorted; do # Get the last line of of the corresponding package, hence the lastest version latest_pkg_line=$(echo "$orphan_packages" | grep -e "^$package " | tail -1) latest_version=$(echo "$latest_pkg_line" | awk '{ print $4; }') pkgs_to_update["$package"]="$latest_version" done stop_spinner # Infos echo -n "Number of orphan packages needing an update : " ; printf_green "${#pkgs_to_update[@]}" echo -n "Number of orphan packages you want to build : " ; printf_red "$nb_of_pkgs_to_build" echo -n "Packages you want to exclude : " ; printf_red "$pkgs_to_exclude" # Saving the content of the pkgs_to_update to a file [ -f $pkgs_to_update_fp ] && rm $pkgs_to_update_fp echo "${!pkgs_to_update[@]}" > $pkgs_to_update_fp [ $nb_of_pkgs_to_build == 0 ] && exit 1 echo "Executing update-git-repo.sh" ./update-git-repo.sh || exit 1 for package in "${!pkgs_to_update[@]}"; do # If the currently selected package is in the exclude list, continue to the next package if echo "$package" | grep -q -E "^($(echo "$pkgs_to_exclude" | tr ',' '|'))"; then continue fi # If we've hit the max number of packages asked by the user, break the loop if [ $pkg_counter -ge $nb_of_pkgs_to_build ]; then break fi latest_version="${pkgs_to_update[$package]}" auto_build_archs_path="$HOME/workbench/auto-void-packages/auto-build/archs-${package}-${latest_version}.txt" echo ">>>[$package - $latest_version]>>>" ./update-package.sh "$package" "$latest_version" "$auto_build_archs_path" echo "<<<[$package - $latest_version]<<<" ((pkg_counter++)) done