import java.util.Scanner; /**


* * The jMusicHub class is basically the app. * It is used to launch the whole process. * * @author Aimeric ADJUTOR * @version 1.0 * @since 2020-11-13 * */ public class jMusicHub { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Welcome to the jMusicHub !"); Scanner scan = new Scanner(; String userInput; //Used to get the user's inputs. System.out.println("Starting extraction"); //Here will be the process to extract the CSV files System.out.println("Extraction done"); //Here will be the number of playlist, albums, songs and auidobook extracted do { System.out.println("What do you want to do? [h for help]"); userInput = scan.nextLine(); switch(userInput) { case "h" : //page help System.out.printf("c: add a new song\na: add a new album\n+: add an existing song to an album\nl: add a new audiobook\np: create a new playlist from existing songs and audiobooks\n-: delete a playlist\ns: save playlists, albums, songs and audiobooks into the concerned files\nh: print this help screen\nq: quit the program\n"); break; case "q" : System.out.println("Goodbye !"); break; default : System.out.println("Unknown command. Type h for help."); } } while(!userInput.equals("q")); } }