#!/bin/bash # If not done yet, install the wacom library and input driver # xbps-install -Sy libwacom xf86-input-wacom # # To see if the tablet and pen are recognized : # xsetwacom list devices # # To look at the actual config of a component : # xsetwacom -s get "" all # The s option can be ommitted, I use it because you need it to see button mapping. # # To look at the different paramaters you can configure : # xsetwacom list param # # To look at the keys you can use for the mapping process : # xsetwacom list modifiers # # # You can look at the disposition and other stuffs of you tablet on /usr/share/libwacom/-.tablet # Exemple, for a Huion H420 : # cat /usr/share/libwacom/huion-h420.tablet # There's also a possibility to see an SVG file of the drawing at /usr/share/libwacom/layouts/-.svg # # # Setting up the buttons # # on the tablet (pad) xsetwacom set "HUION H420 Pad pad" Button 1 key "ctrl" key "s" #top xsetwacom set "HUION H420 Pad pad" Button 2 key "ctrl" key "shift" key "z" #middle xsetwacom set "HUION H420 Pad pad" Button 3 key "ctrl" key "z" #bot # on the pen xsetwacom set "HUION H420 Pen stylus" Button 3 key "e" #button facing up (not the click button on the top) # Matching surface area to resolution of the main screen xsetwacom set "HUION H420 Pen stylus" MapToOutput eDP-1 #eDP-1 is the screen of the laptop, look at xrandr -q to see the one you want