List of elements used in top manga and top anime with a recycler view SwipeRefresh used to refresh the list of data. Details of a chosen element from the recycler view with an intent object Title, synopsys and background clickable. URL link openable. Search pages for animes and mangas. They display the data in a recycler view similar to the tops. A feature has been added that hides the keyboard when the query is submitted by the user. Multiple calls of the REST API from Usage of : /v3/top/manga /v3/top/anime /v3/manga /v3/anime /v3/search/manga /v3/search/anime Data storage with sharedpreferences used for the recycler view of top manga and top anime as well as the details Saves the detail page of an item when opened, not when the list is shown Usage of ScrollView in the detail page. Thus, items with long synopsis and background aren't cut down. Used my "personal" theme colors for the app. It consists of colors of the pink/purple "family" : very dark purple : #09022A very light magenta : #FF70FF strong pink : #D52C70 slightly desaturated magenta : #C583B6 grayish magenta : #C9A6C9 Development done with a Gitflow workflow.