AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-02-19Merge branch 'top_anime_feature' into developrelease/1.1Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-19Implementing TopAnimefeature/top_anime_handlingClyhtsuriva
Copied the topmanga folder and transformed everything in it into top anime.
2021-02-19Moving TopManga files into their own subdirClyhtsuriva
2021-02-19Merge branch 'release/1.0' into developClyhtsuriva
2021-02-19Merge branch 'release/1.0'v1.0.0Clyhtsuriva
Removing some useless files. Adding comments. Updating the home page.
2021-02-19Deleting useless files and adding image support.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-19Modifying, a bit, the layout.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-19Adaptation of the adapter, the rest response and the fragment.Clyhtsuriva
Preparing the implementation of the API datas to our recycerview in a fragment.
2021-02-18Implementing API calls for the top mangas.feature/api_server_callClyhtsuriva
Test and Debug with snackbar : ok Adding internet access. Removing useless News class.
2021-02-18Adding the implementations of retrofit to gradle.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-18Commenting gradle for recyclerviewClyhtsuriva
2021-02-17Modifying manga stringsfeature/recyclerviewClyhtsuriva
2021-02-17Recycler view now working in a fragment.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-17Renaming to avoid issues with the "home" id.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-17Trying to mimic the Flower exemple from google.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-16Starting to work on recycler view featureClyhtsuriva
2021-02-12Adding Article and Top Manga pages.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-12Renaming and adding some functions for the home buttons.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-12"locking" in dark mode through another wayClyhtsuriva
2021-02-09Adding colours and "locking" in dark mode.Clyhtsuriva
2021-02-09Messing around with some texts to learnClyhtsuriva
2021-02-09Modified the iconClyhtsuriva
2021-02-09Modified News object and val industryNewsClyhtsuriva
2021-02-09Initial commitClyhtsuriva