#in order to make things right, you should check the following comments to visualize and use properly the PSQL database. #assuming that you installed psql prior #https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/debian/ #create the user adduser atsuser #use the password '123456' #connect as postgres su - postgres #launch the psql terminal psql #create the user that we use in our scripts CREATE USER atsuser WITH PASSWORD '123456'; #create our databse CREATE DATABASE atsdb; #grant the privileges to our user GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE atsdb to atsuser; #quit Ctrl+D #log in as atsuser su - atsuser #launch psql with our user and our database psql -d atsdb -U atsuser #initialize the tables \i /WHATEVER_PATH_YOUR_INIT_IS_IN/ATS-Project/website/init-bd.sql #quick insert insert into paquet(heure,protocole,ip_source,ip_destination,port_source,port_destination) values ('10:30:30.60','ICMP','','',10000,1);